From the
high peaks of the Andes to the tropical rainforests of the Amazon, the Pantanal
wetlands and the arid scrub of the Gran Chaco, Bolivia’s extraordinary range of
geography and climates supports an astonishing array of plant and animal life.
This is one of the most biodiverse countries on earth, home to more than 17000
known plants species , around 1400 different birds, including many species
found nowhere else, and around three hundred species of mammals. Moreover,
large areas are still relatively undisturbed by human activity, and around
twenty percent of the total land area is now covered by national parks and
other protected areas.
The Andes
Bolivian Andes are home to a huge range of ecological zones, from cactus-strewn
semi-desert to swampy moorland and lush cloudforest. Much of the region has
been settled for over two thousand years, and the original woodland has largely
been replaced by eucalyptus imported from Australia. But patches of native
Andean forest remain, including queñua
(polylepis) woods that survive at over 5000m – the highest forest in the
world. The most visible animals in the Andes are domesticated, in particular
the herds of llama and Alpaca wich graze the arid grasslands
of the Altiplano, but in more remote regions their wild relative, the
diminutive vicuña, can also be seen.
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